The young woman, known as the “Rude 19-year-old” on social media after bodycam footage of her arrest was released, has been identified as a star high school water polo player in Washington.
On September 15, 2023, 19-year-old Mairead Quigley was pulled over by Officer Brock Westerman of the Pullman Police Department after he observed a 2017 Kia Sportage making traffic violations.
During the traffic stop, Westerman observed Quigley displaying signs of possible alcohol impairment but she was uncooperative and refused field sobriety exercises.
She was subsequently arrested for DUI and later consented to a breathalyzer test at the police station which resulted in a BAC of 0.179%.
She was released without bail and a court summons.
Her rude behavior during her arrest was revealed with the release of Westerman’s bodycam footage and contributed to it going viral and racking up millions of views.
While appearing in court in October, Quigley pleaded guilty to DUI.
She was sentenced to 1 day in jail (with 363 days suspended), 24 months of supervised probation, a 90-day license suspension, and a DUI cost recovery fee of $67.33.
She is also required to attend a DUI Victim Impact Panel and use an ignition interlock device during her license suspension.
Quigley was a star water polo player at Auburn Mountainview High School and led them to numerous victories and undefeated streaks before graduating in 2021.
It is not clear if she went on to play in college or if her arrest affected her standing as an athlete.
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