The artist formally known as Kayne West is causing an already tense divorce proceeding into a public battle after he found out his eldest daughter North was on TikTok.
According to NBC News, Kardashian pushed back against her estranged husband by saying she is tired of his constant attacks on social media.
North and her mother Kim have shared a TikTok account since November 2021. West, who goes by Ye after legally changing his name, just found the account and posted a tirade about it on his own Instagram account. He even petitioned followers about what age they allowed their children on social media.
Kardashian said in her own post that she monitors the account and that it brings North “happiness.”
The divorce proceedings have been going on for nearly a year.
Both Ye and Kardashian have four children together and were married for seven years.
Kardashian said she wants to have a “healthy and supportive co-parenting relationship” for their children. But, she wrote, “it saddens me that Kanye continues to make it impossible every step of the way.”
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