After breaking up with her long-time boyfriend, Kelsey Johnson went public with her reasons why she no longer wants to date sex workers.
Johnson, who is known as Kelseyxo and @heyitskelseyxo on Instagram, said she is single for the first time in years.
“Now I’m single, for the first time in years I have been asked if I would consider dating a sex worker,” the Scottish sex worker said.
“Although I’m a sex worker myself, I would never want to date one.”
When questioned how she could expect others to approve of her profession, since she does not approve of a potential spouse being in the industry, she said she’s not out to change anyone’s opinions.
“However I’m not here to persuade anyone who isn’t okay with my job to be okay with it,” she said.
She explained she wants a relationship that doesn’t revolve around similar work, where her partner would have different goals in life than her.
“I’m sure there are plenty of industries where people would prefer if their partner had their own thing going on, it’s nice to talk to somebody about their world and it to be different from my own,” she told Daily Star.
“I just want someone with their own individual path and goals, I enjoy catching up and them explaining their job, day, industry to me and it all being new to me.”
“Also, ironically I probably wouldn’t want to date a sex worker for some of the same reasons many men wouldn’t want to date me,” the 25-year-old said.
Considering she spent £500,000 on a brand new house, Mercedes SUV, hot tub all in one day there are probably plenty of suitors who would be okay with her profession -considering the massive income.
“I know…hypocritical. But at least I’m honest.
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