Two teenage girls using an app that sends them to random locations found a suitcase full of human body parts.
The girls, who live in Seattle, Washington, were using the Randonautica app, which sends users to random locations.
While such an endeavour already seems like an unsafe activity for teen girls to partake in, their discovery at the shoreline drove the point home.
Posting to TikTok, one of the two girls (using the name “Ugh Henry”) recounted the horror of uncovering what was inside of the suitcase.
“Something traumatic happened that changed my life checkkkk ???????? @natthecvt #fyp #viral #crime #murder #randonautica #randonauting #scary #washington,” the girl wrote in Gen Z’s native digital language. “Randonaut sent us to this part of the beach… and we found this black suitcase. We were joking that maybe the suitcase would have money. As SOON as she opened it, the smell was overwhelming.”
According to Heavy, the case contained dismembered body parts inside of a black trash bag.
The incident serves as a double-edged sword. While the girls would have never found the remains without the Randonautica app, they were exposed to something that they shouldn’t have been exposed to, and their casual use of public social media puts them at risk for potential retaliation, should the criminals responsible decide to silence them.
With the #randonautchallenge circulating on the Chinese-owned app, TikTok, the chances of ill-prepared people running into things they shouldn’t become greater with each passing day.
The Seattle Police released a statement on the matter, stating they were looking into the matter.
“Police responded after receiving a call of a suspicious bag on the beach. Another bag was located in the water,” the statement read. “Once the contents were determined to be remains, detectives responded to begin their investigation. Harbor Patrol is assisting on the call, and detectives will work closely with the King County Medical Examiner’s Office as the investigation proceeds. This remains an active and on-going investigation.”
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