In April, the internet was on fire after a sex tape featuring Barstool Sports President David Portnoy pulling on a leashed Instagram model around. Now the woman at the end of that leash, Sydney Raines, says she has no regrets over the consensual sexual encounter and says Portnoy has been sweet through the whole controversy.
According to Page Six, Rainer is setting the record straight by saying the video was stolen and leaked online. She even confirmed that Portnoy told her he had no part in spreading the video.
Rainer confirmed the video was shot in July 2020 at Portnoy’s Nantucket home. In the video, there’s a controversial scene that shows Portnoy holding onto a leash attached to a collar around Rainer’s neck.
Rainer said Portnoy slid into her DM’s and the two had been talking for months before the mutually agreed sexual episode.
She says after the leak, Portnoy has reached out and been supportive of her saying, “A lot of friends started checking in and Dave reached out multiple times to make sure I was OK. Dave is a sweet guy. I consider him my friend.”
Rainer thanks Portnoy for the kind words, but says she’s not ashamed and has always been sexually active since she was a young girl saying, “Maybe I don’t care when I should but I really saw it as just a bump in the road. It wasn’t going to ruin me. I feel like people might see me as a victim in that situation, but I haven’t seen myself that way.”
If you look at her Instagram, Rainer is very active and posts a lot of racy photos and video. She says she enjoys keeping things R-Rated, but doesn’t see herself opening an OnlyFans page and turning in X-Rated content.
“If there’s anything I learned from the video, it is that everyone will always have their opinions whether good or bad. The most important thing is to not apologize for something you’re not sorry for. I have no regrets how I handled the situation.”
For now, Rainer will continue to be a bottle girl at an Atlanta lounge, model and be an influencer on Instagram, and work at a local hospital.
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