Update: 23-year-old Nadia Zhukova, who was reprimanded by her hospital bosses for wearing only a bikini underneath her transparent PPE gown, has taken a side job as a weather presenter at a local television station.
Zhukova was suspended from her job as a nurse before intense public backlash forced the administration to reverse their decision.
She will continue to work as a nurse in hopes of one day becoming a doctor, reports the Daily Mail.
The TV station she will be reporting on the weather is in Tula, which is south of Moscow.
A Russian nurse has been suspended from her hospital duties in the arms manufacturing powerhouse city of Tula, after she showed up to work wearing clear protective gear and a bikini.
The woman, who works at the Tula Regional Clinical Hospital, is being forced to take a little break now that photos of her have spread across the globe.
Local Russian media reports that while there were no complaints lodged against her and that she was unaware that her PPE was so transparent, the hospital gave her a suspension based on “non-compliance with the requirements for medical clothing.”
According to the Tula Press, the image quickly hit foreign media, with some even referring to the masked nurse as “hot.”
Many social media users supported the nurses and asked that she not be punished.
Interestingly, many Russian commenters were not so generous, though many simply wanted the photographer to pay the price.
“Now is a difficult time for the world, and the doctors who save your lives have become the direct struggle against coronavirus, and you thank them so much, putting them on public display?” one user wrote. “Shame on the one who posted it. ”
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