Thursday morning, @CNN called the KUSI Newsroom asking if a reporter could give them a local view of the debate surrounding the border wall and government shutdown. After we informed them about our past reports, they declined to hear from us.
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— KUSI News (@KUSINews) January 11, 2019
A San Diego news outlet is putting CNN on blast after they requested a local perspective on the city’s border wall- but quickly went silent after they discovered that the wall not only worked, but that locals seemingly had no issues with it.
San Diego station KUSI responded to CNN’s request with journalist Dan Plante, who has reported from the border dozens of times.
“We believe CNN declined a report from KUSI because we informed them that most Border Patrol Agents we have spoken to told us the barrier does in fact work., KUSI wrote of the incident. “We have continuously been told by Border Patrol Agents that the barrier along the Southern border helps prevent illegal entries, drugs, and weapons from entering the United States, and the numbers prove it.”
Upon getting a perspective they didn’t want, CNN declined to use the material.
“They [CNN] didn’t like what they heard from us,” a KUSI anchorwoman said.
On Twitter, KUSI made the snubbing by CNN a public matter that would quickly stretch well beyond their normal viewer audience.
“Thursday morning, @CNN called the KUSI Newsroom asking if a reporter could give them a local view of the debate surrounding the border wall and government shutdown,” they wrote. “After we informed them about our past reports, they declined to hear from us.”
CNN quickly snapped back on the social media platform, claiming they simply didn’t book them, and that the snubbing was a “non-story.”
“We called several local stations to book someone for a show. We didn’t end up booking any of them,” CNN responded. “That happens many times every single day. We did, however, book a reporter from KUSI for a story on immigration and the border wall in November. This is a non story. #factsfirst”
It is unknown if CNN is still applying cold water to the burn they suffered.
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