Less than a month after a Former Baywatch star revealed her 4th of July bikini, she’s back with a new one to hit back at critics of her age.
On Tuesday, 54-year-old Donna D’Errico posted pictures of her new pink bikini on Tuesday after some said she was “too old” to be wearing one.
“Thanks for all the comments on my other post. I read them all 🙌 In no way am I anywhere near perfect but I’m feeling pretty damn good,” she wrote in a caption for her video posted to Instagram.
After her Fourth of July post she gave the following response:
“Quite a few women complained about the 4th of July video I posted in a red white & blue bikini because they thought I was ‘classier than that’ and ‘too old to wear a bikini’ and, my favorite, ‘desperate.’
“Let me tell you something that might surprise you,” she said. “I can actually wear and do literally whatever I want. On that note, here is me in a bikini squatting on a coffee table.”
She wasn’t deterred by negative comments and says she had not posted anything since her last post because she was doing some traveling.
“I took a little break and drove across America with my dog,” D’Errico said.
“This country of ours is beautiful. I never knew just how beautiful until I drove across it and took the time to appreciate it. Have an awesome day.”
Even though some are critical, aging sexuality has become more common and one woman even claims she will continue her OnlyFans until she is 70 years old.
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