The French-produced film “Cuties” has drawn incredible controversy for being what some consider to be thinly-veiled child pornography, and that has the internet ready to “#CancelNetflix.”
Despite a large amount of resistance leading up to the release of the film, the content streamer decided to continue with its plans to unveil “Cuties,” ultimately unleashing the wrath of many people.
In short order, over 600,000-plus people signed a petition pledging to cancel their Netflix subscription over the film, which featured pre-teen girls performing sexualized dance, in various states of undress, watching pornographic material and even inflating a used condom.
Others noted that Netflix seems to have a trend when it comes to far-left ideology in shows, be it the normalization of pedophilia to mocking religion.
Seriously @netflix?? You’re feeding these child predators and pedophiles ammunition to continue their sick, disgusting crimes. The show is even called “Cuties” there is NOTHING cute about this!!!!! You’re sexualizing these young girls and putting it on a huge platform. CANCEL IT
— Bramty (@BramtyJuliette) September 11, 2020
“As I have been researching content that exploits children and creates a disturbing vibe, I have found many shows and movies on Netflix to have similar inappropriate behaviors as Cuties, the movie this petition was originally based off,” the latest petition noted.
“From ‘Cuties’ to ‘Big Mouth,’ to other movies mocking religions and exploiting children Netflix is no longer the family friendly streaming service I one believed it to be!”
The film includes the excessive use of risque camera angles, focusing on body parts such as the girls’ feet and buttocks, as well as the general content concerning little girls acting like adults.
At one point in the film, the pre-teen girl photographs her genitals and posts the pictures to social media.
Other Netflix-streamed European films with pedophilic themes include the Italian-made “Baby” and the Spanish film “Desire”
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